Online Safety

School learning platform and website:

• Contact details on the learning platform are those of the school email address and telephone number. Staff and Pupil information (phone numbers) will not be available.
• The Head Teacher will take overall editorial responsibility for the School Website and Learning Platform and ensure that the content is accurate and appropriate.
• The sections with published content on the school Learning Platform is password protected. teachers, pupils and parents can access safe areas with their passwords.
• Photographs of children on the Learning Platform and website will not be labelled with names. Children whose parents have completed the form to say that their child’s photo cannot be used will not appear on the site. (See appendix 1 Using Images of Children Consent Form – part of pupil induction pack).
• The school filtering system blocks children’s access to sites such as MSN messenger.
• Filtering: The school internet access is filtered by Broadband Sandwell and access to any site which may contain unsuitable material is denied. Staff can contact the ICT department if they wish to use material that is blocked but is actually a safe link, which will be considered and added if appropriate.
• Staff are not permitted to use personal digital equipment, such as mobile phones and
cameras, to record images of pupils, this includes when on field trips. .
• Pupils and staff are not permitted to use personal portable media for storage of
images (e.g., USB sticks) All staff have been issued with an encrypted memory device.
• Webcams in school are only ever used for specific learning purposes, i.e. monitoring
hens’ eggs. Consent is sought from parents/carers and staff on joining the school, in
the same way as for all images.