St Margaret’s CE Primary School
Special Educational Needs Policy
Our Vision Statement
St Margaret’s CE Primary School is a happy, caring community of learners where there is a place for everyone in God’s family. Working together with Jesus besides us to achieve our full potential.
St Margaret’s seeks to promote a sense of self worth in everyone involved in our school community to promote the ideals of mutual respect and care for others. We nurture, motivate and challenge all our learners in a creative, enjoyable and safe environment. By understanding what our children already know we inspire leaning by bringing an innovative and rich curriculum to life.
We aim to develop thoughtful, confident and responsible young people who appreciate the world in which we live and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to succeed in life.
The aims of our SEN policy are to ensure that:
- We meet the needs of every child and ensure that they are given full and equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum
- We adopt a whole school approach to identify and assess children with SEN as early as possible.
- We find ways to overcome barriers to learning so that each and every child can fulfil his or her potential
- We keep detailed evidence and records of a child’s attainment to ensure continuity and progression
- SEN children as far as possible are involved as much as possible in decisions affecting their future learning and targets with their views sought and taken into account.
- We work in partnership with parents recognising the vital role they play in supporting their child’s well being and education
- We liaise closely with outside agencies to enable every child and all involved in delivering those personalised learning needs, to have access to specialist support and expertise
Pupils with SEN are thriving at school
Increased differentiation of the curriculum is provided to meet diverse individual needs.
Staff understand the objectives of their curriculum planning for pupils with SEN.
Regular monitoring and reviews of individual needs takes place with clear records kept of action taken.
Good home/school communication is established and maintained.
What are Special Educational Needs?
At St Margaret’s we are committed to early identification of a special educational need and we adopt a graduated response in meeting that need in line with the Government Guidelines as set out in the Code of Practice for Special Needs and Disabilities 2014.
A child has special educational need if he or she finds it much harder to learn than most children of the same age, or if he or she has a disability that prevents and hinders access to all aspects of school life.
Stages of Identification and Assessment
SEN Support
The trigger for intervention is where there is concern, (underpinned by evidence) that a pupil is making little or no progress in spite of receiving differentiated learning opportunities within the classroom.
- • The class teacher will identify the pupils who have SEN.
- • The class teacher will devise interventions additional to and different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum.
- • The class teacher will plan and deliver the ‘All About Me Plan’ with the support of a LSA where appropriate.
- • The SENCO will monitor and review the action taken on a termly basis.
- • The SENCO will also be available to help and support each class teacher will implementation of the All About Me plan into their planning.
Increasing the level of support
The trigger for seeking further support is where despite receiving an individualised programme the child continues to make little or no progress over a long period of time. The child will be working well below that of expected standards for their age. Children at this stage may also have underlying emotional and behavioural issues, sensory, physical and communication and interaction difficulties.
- • The SENCO and Class Teacher will seek advice from external services.
- • The Class Teacher and SENCO are provided with advice and / or support from the outside specialists.
- • The Class Teacher and SENCO will use the Matrix of Additional Needs to help identify level of need and support needed.
- • The Class Teacher and SENCO will ensure that additional or different strategies to those already used are put into place and added to the plan.
- • The SENCO and Class Teacher will monitor and review action taken.
Education and Health Care Plans:
For a very small minority of pupils, progress through SEN Support interventions may not provide adequate or even appropriate support. In these cases our School will;
- • Consult parents/carers, Class Teacher and involved outside agencies and will make a request for an Education and Health Care Plan through the Community Assessment Meeting (CAM).
- • In this period, while the LA is considering the request, the pupil will remain supported by the school.
Education and Health Care Plans:
Once a child in school has an Education and Health Care Plan, our School will;
- • Follow the procedure for the school based provision.
- • Supervise pupils’ timetable, to accommodate the hours allocated to the pupil from a support worker.
- • Will make sure that plans are prepared and review meetings take place.
- • Will also plan an Annual Review to include the parents and further reviews as necessary.
The role of the class teacher:
- Is to record and identify any concerns highlighted through whole school monitoring and assessment procedures regarding pupils’ difficulties
- To differentiate the curriculum according to the pupils’ needs and to deliver the personalised learning programme as set out on any plans for the child.
- To work closely with the SENCO to decide the action required to assist the pupil to progress
- To inform parents of the intention to place the pupil on the Special Needs Register and invite them to discuss concerns and action to be taken with the support of the SENCO
- To work closely with the SENCO to regularly update and review plans for SEN children, with the extent of the SENCO’s involvement being dependent on the needs of the child.
- To supervise and direct Learning Support Assistants to support children within the classroom
The role of the SENCO (according to Government Guidelines September 2009):
- To monitor and co-ordinate the day to day implementation of the SEN Policy and provision
- To maintain the school’s SEN register and ensure that records and any support implemented to meet those needs are made and kept up to date
- To co-ordinate reviews at SEN Support and to call annual reviews for children with statements or Education and Health Care Plans, informing/ inviting appropriate professionals and Parents
- To work closely with staff to produce and plan interventions and ensure that they are appropriately distributed
- To liaise with external support agencies,
- To collate evidence and organise paperwork for children being put forward for additional support through the Education and Health Care Plan process.
- To advise SLT on resources and provision using the agreed budget
- To liaise with and advise staff on issues regarding SEN
- To liaise with parents regarding their children’s SEN needs and to establish a good working relationship with them.
- To provide support to class teachers in the diagnosis of a special education need.
- To work with SEN pupils.
The Role of the Governing body is to ensure that:
- • The set Special Educational Needs Policy is in line with the requirements set out in the Code of Practice for children with Special Educational Needs.
- • In conjunction with the Head Teacher, ensure appropriate resources are in place to support the Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Policy.
- • Access to the policy is readily available to all staff including supply staff.
- • The policy is articulated and consistently applied.
- • The SEN records are maintained and kept up to date.
- • The success of the SEN policy and any changes made are detailed in its Annual Information Report to Parents.
Stuart Jones: SENCO September 2014