Site Security Policy


At St. Margaret’s C of E (VA) Primary School, the pupils should work and learn in a safe and secure environment. Parents need to be confident that the school provides such an environment. Staff should feel that the Governing Body has done everything it can to make the school a safe place in which to work.

Roles and Responsibilities

Overall school security is the responsibility of the employer. At St. Margaret’s C of E (VA) Primary School, this is the school Governing Body. The Head Teacher is responsible for implementing the security policy.

Governing Body

The Governing Body has drawn up and agreed the Security Policy with the school community.
Mrs Jayne Heathcote is the Governor responsible for Health & Safety, including school security.
The school’s Premises and Health and Safety Committee meets once a term to review safety, including security, and reports to the full Governing Body. The Committee reviews the Security Policy annually.

Head Teacher

The Head Teacher is responsible for implementing the Security Policy. He/she should ensure that standard procedures are in place to minimise risk and that all staff are fully aware of the security arrangements and of their own
responsibilities, receiving such training as is necessary to fulfil those responsibilities.
The Head Teacher should ensure parents and older pupils are fully informed of the security policy and encouraged to help.
There are regular risk assessments of security every year and regular routine security checks. Advice is obtained from the Police on security matters and all crimes are reported to the Police. The Head Teacher reports regularly to the Governing Body and, where appropriate, the LA/other Advisory Body e.g. Diocesan Board of Education.
The Head Teacher is responsible for the security of the premises during the school day; in her absence the Deputy Head Teacher/Leadership Team assumes this responsibility.


Teaching and non-teaching staff should be fully aware of the security procedures and know how to:
¨ protect pupils from harm
¨ guard against assault
¨ safeguard property
¨ contact the police/emergency services
¨ implement the emergency procedures.
New staff are informed of the school’s security policy and of their responsibilities before taking up their post.


As the children progress through the school, they are made increasingly aware of the security procedures. They should be encouraged to assist with these procedures when possible. Within the PSHE and Citizenship curriculum, the pupils will be taught about personal safety and social responsibilities.


The parents of pupils are kept fully informed of security procedures, and of their responsibilities when visiting the school, in the:
¨ School Prospectus
¨ pre-school Parent’s Evening discussion
¨ individual letters/e-mails

Police/Local Community

St. Margaret’s C of E (VA) Primary School values co-operation from the local police and community in assisting security arrangements for the school site and the surrounding area. Local residents are encouraged to report incidents directly to the police.
The Police are called immediately if there is an incident of a violent, aggressive or abusive nature. The Police should be called immediately when a child goes missing, for example after school. Do not wait until a search has taken place.
Local schools are informed on current matters of concern, for example if a stranger is spotted loitering outside the school.

Control of Access

St Margaret’s has a policy of welcoming visitors; however, we realise that problems can occur with angry parents, disaffected young people, criminal
trespass or even child abduction or assault. To minimise the risk to the school community, especially the children, we have introduced procedures to limit access to the school site.

School Grounds

Security fencing bound the school grounds, and access to the school car park is restricted to staff, contractors and deliveries. There is no parent parking at the beginning or end of the school day. For health and safety reasons there is no vehicular access through the main front gates between 8.40am and 9.00am and 3.20pm and 3.40pm.
During the school day the KS 1 and KS2 gates are locked. The key is kept in the office.
All children enter the school grounds via the main school front gate and the KS2 playground.
During the morning children enter school via the KS 2 door. The nursery children enter school via their own door. Any late arrivals after 9.00 am report to the main office and are given a late slip which is handed to the class teacher.
If a stranger is seen on the school grounds, a member of staff should establish his or her identity and the reason for the visit. If the reason is not legitimate, the stranger should be asked to leave. If they refuse to leave the Head Teacher/member of the Leadership Team will call the police.


At the end of the day parents for nursery, reception and Year 2 children wait outside their classroom doors.
Year 1 parents wait by the door by the office and are only released when the teacher can see their parent.
All KS 2 children, apart from Y6 are taken by their class teacher to the KS2 door. Year 6 leave via their class door onto the playground.
All of them know that, if the adult who should collect them has not arrived, they should come straight back into the building and stay with their teacher. After ten minutes, if no one has arrived, the teacher takes the child to the office and telephones to see what the delay might be. The child stays
in the office until an authorised adult arrives. No child is allowed to leave unless we are sure they are safe. A school proforma is completed if a child is collected late and these are kept in a file in the office.
Some children go home by taxi. All taxi drivers report to the office on arrival,
show their identification and state the name of the child they are collecting. Children who travel home by taxi wait in the entrance area.
Access to the School Building(s)
To prevent unauthorised or unknown visitors entering school, security locks are fitted to the main exit doors.
The main entrance to the school, has an intercom release system, which allows visitors into a secure lobby area.
All office doors should be locked when not in use and all external doors closed at the end of break times.
All visitors to the school should report to the main reception area, which is clearly marked. In the first instance, the office staff will meet visitors; they will be asked to sign in and give the reason for their visit.
The Administrator escorts visitors to the member of staff requested – or asked to take a seat while the member of staff is contacted. The member of staff then comes to collect the visitor.
All visitors are expected to wear a badge before they are allowed into the main part of the school.
No visitor is given unrestricted access to the school; this includes parents. Any visitor who will be working with pupils is asked for their DBS and identity card if it has not already been given in advance via the telephone or e-mail.
All children and staff are alert to unrecognised adults in school. Children should report strangers to the nearest member of staff. If a stranger is noticed in school, staff should establish his or her identity and reason for the visit.
If, at any time, an unsatisfactory reason is given, or proof of identity cannot be produced then the member of staff concerned should ask for assistance from the nearest colleague.
The unauthorised person is asked to leave and escorted from the premises, as they are committing a trespass. If that person refuses, becomes aggressive or damages property, no attempt should be made by staff to eject the intruder and the police should be called immediately.
Parents have permission to enter the school premises. However, they should act as any other visitor to the school, complying with the appropriate school arrangements. They should not roam at will around the school, enter classrooms or interfere with members of staff carrying out their professional duties.


If parents wish to take their child/children out of school during the school day, they should report to the Reception area. A request to take a child out of school should normally be made in advance in writing or an oral message given to a member of staff. Parents will be asked to fill in an absence slip before they leave.


St. Margaret’s C of E (VA) Primary School is not a public place to which any member of the public is entitled to have access. Any person who enters without permission is a trespasser; trespassers are asked to leave. Trespass is not a criminal offence; however, if a trespasser refuses to leave the school premises, causes a disturbance or enters after being requested to leave, such behaviour could constitute a criminal offence under section 547 of the Education Act 1996.
If a parent is causing a disturbance, becoming abusive or violent towards a pupil, member of staff or another parent, the Head Teacher of St. Margaret’s C of E (VA) Primary School might revoke the parent’s permission to be on the premises by taking the following action.
¨ The parent can be asked to leave and will be told ‘I am revoking (withdrawing)
your permission to be on the school premises’.
¨ If the parent still refuses to leave willingly, the Police are called.
¨ A formal letter from the Head Teacher/LA or Governing Body, confirming the parent’s permission to visit the school has been revoked and that there is a five day period in which to make representation.
Formal notification is important, as their human rights are being affected.
Extra information can be obtained from the LA.
The police should be called immediately if there is an incident that is causing concern of an aggressive, abusive or violent nature.

Supervision of School Grounds

A two members of staff are on duty each morning from 8.40am, so that parents can leave their child in safety. The whistle is blown at 8.50am and the children line up in their classes. Teachers then escort their children into school. A member of staff stays at the KS2 door until 9.00am to let children into school.
At 9.00 am the door is closed.
The Site Manager closes the side entrance gate at 9.05am and the KS2 gate. The Nursery Gate is opened at 11.40am and closed by nursery staff. It is also opened at 12.40 for afternoon nursery and then closed by nursery staff.
Children are supervised at all times when in the playground(s). Supervision is by teachers and support staff at morning and afternoon breaks and by the lunchtime supervisor at lunchtime.

Security of Personal Property

Children should not to bring anything of value to school. Individual staff are responsible for their own property.

Security of Equipment and Cash

Main items of school equipment, for example computers, TVs, videos, are security marked.
Any cash on the premises is kept in a safe but money is banked regularly.

Security of Building

An effective intruder alarm is in operation. This is always set when the school is empty.
Individual areas can be isolated from the alarm circuit when an after-school activity is being held.
It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to make sure that their classroom is secure, the windows closed and equipment switched off, before leaving the premises.
The Head Teacher, the Deputy Head Teacher and Site Manager are designated key holders and are responsible for the security of the building.

Site Manager

It is the responsibility of the Site Manager to check daily that all locks and catches are in working order, that the emergency lighting is working, that the fire alarm has no faults, and that the security system are working properly.
Before leaving the premises, the Site Manager has a duty to ensure that all the windows are closed, that the doors are locked and secure, that the security
alarm is set and that all gates are locked.

Contractors in School

When contractors are working in St. Margaret’s C of E (VA) Primary School, the following precautions should be taken:
The Head Teacher agrees a convenient time for the work to be completed – out of school time if possible – and school staff should be made aware of the work taking place and the Health and Safety issues. The Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher should check regularly that the work is being carried out safely.
Contractors should report to the reception area on arrival and before leaving, signing in and out. When on the school site, badges, identifying the company for which they work, should be worn at all times. Contractors should complete maintenance logs, when appropriate.
Contractors should take extreme care with building materials, ladders, tools and any other equipment. Health and Safety standards should be observed throughout the period of the contract. On completion of the contract, any relevant documentation should be obtained, for example electrical test certificates.

Access Outside School Hours

On occasion, staff, pupils or contractors require access to the school out of normal school hours, in the evenings or at weekends and in the holidays. We are aware that some staff are working on the premises before and after school
and their security has to be safeguarded.
No person should be in school on their own, if at all possible. If this is unavoidable, all the doors should be locked and the staff member should have access to a (mobile) ‘phone.
Blinds should always be closed in the evening, but especially if staff are
working late. When the Hall is used for evening lettings, students should have access to this area and the KS2 toilets ; the remainder of the building should be locked and alarmed.

Fire Detection Systems

We acknowledge that one of the most serious threats is arson and to reduce the risk, we take the following precautions.
Fire detection and alarm systems are in place throughout the school and tested regularly.
Fire drills take place each term. All fire exits are kept clear at all times and neither left open, nor locked from the inside.
The school grounds are kept clear of litter and movable objects that could be used to start a fire. The school refuse bins are on the KS 2 playground away from the school building to prevent intruders or pupils using them to
start fires or as a means of access to the roof.

Offensive Weapons

It is a criminal offence to carry an offensive weapon or knife onto the site. Offensive weapons are defined as ‘any article made or adapted for causing injury to the person, or intended by the person having it with him/her for such use by him/her or some other person.’
If it is judged that the circumstances are innocent, the matter is dealt with on a disciplinary basis. If there is any doubt, the police are summoned and they assess the seriousness of the incident.
Staff are under no obligation to search a pupil whom they suspect he/she is carrying an offensive weapon. If the child agrees to co-operate, a search might be the least inflammatory way to prevent violence. When a child refuses to co-operate, only the police can carry out the search.
We will make every effort to ensure a parent or guardian is notified as soon as possible, so they can be present during the search and subsequent investigation.
When the person suspected of carrying an offensive weapon is not a pupil at the school, or an incident occurs off the school premises, the police are informed and they carry out the search and an appropriate investigation.

Confiscation of Weapons

Staff take possession of a knife or any weapon brought to school by a pupil. The following
staff are authorised to do this are the Head and Deputy.
The item is locked away; staff should either:
¨ arrange for the parent or guardian to take the weapon away, if circumstances
indicate this to be a reasonable course of action. However, in no circumstances
should some weapons – e.g. flick knives and knuckle-dusters – be returned.
When weapons are returned to parents, a record should be kept.
¨ arrange to surrender the weapon to the police without delay and inform parents of any police involvement.

Bomb Threats

Any warning we receive about such a threat is treated seriously, with the safety of the pupils and staff paramount.
Staff should be vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious, for instance suspect packets, unrecognised vehicles in the car park or persons in unauthorised areas.

Incendiary Device

Incendiary devices are generally designed to ignite after a pre-determined time. Staff should not handle a suspected device, as it could kill or maim anyone nearby. The immediate vicinity should be evacuated and the police summoned.

Postal Bomb

If staff receive a suspicious package, which could contain an explosive device, they should put it down very gently and walk away. The package should not be immersed in water, nor should anything be placed on top of it.
Staff should evacuate the immediate area and raise the alarm before calling the emergency services.
If we receive a bomb warning, the Head, Deputy have specific and individual responsibilities and all staff have a duty to prevent panic among the pupils and their colleagues.
Staff should follow a strict procedure.
¨ Alert everyone in the school by using the fire alarm system and evacuate the
¨ All staff and pupils should assemble on the appropriate playground, well away from the school car park and buildings.
¨ Call the Police.
¨ Neither staff nor pupils should attempt to search the school building.
¨ If the Police request assistance from staff, it is an individual and voluntary decision whether to do so.
¨ An overriding priority is the supervision of the pupils.
Pupils should not return to the building, until the police declare that it is safe.

Reporting Incidents

All incidents of crime and losses are recorded in the Incident File, including information on the date, time, location, cost, staff, parents involved, action taken, and so forth. The Police and LA are notified.
A review of incidents over the year is distributed to the Governors.

Review of Policy and Procedures

The Health and Safety Committee of the Governing Body reviews this policy annually and the procedures on an annual basis. A risk assessment is completed, based on LA/other advisory sources.

To be reviewed in February 2016

FEB 2013