The purpose and importance of Mobile Phone Policy
St Margaret’s recognise that staff may need to have access to mobile phones on site during the working day. However there have been a number of queries raised within the local authority and nationally regarding the use of mobile phones and other devices in educational settings.
The concerns are mainly based around these issues:
• Staff being distracted from their work with children
• The use of mobile phones around children
• The inappropriate use of mobile phones
Ensuring the safe and appropriate use of Mobile phones
St Margaret’s allows staff to bring in mobile phones for their own personal use. However, they must be kept away from children at all times and are not allowed to be used in the presence of children. During the school day mobiles are only to be used during break and lunch time, in an appropriate place away from children E.g. staff room or empty classroom. This is to avoid any inappropriate allegations being made against staff when using mobile phones. This protocol keeps staff and pupils safe.
Staff must ensure that there is no inappropriate content on their device. Mobile phone technology may not be used to take photographs anywhere within the school or school grounds. There are digital cameras and Flip cameras available in every classroom/year group. Only these should be used to record visual information within the consent criteria guidelines of the local authority and St Margaret’s C of E Primary School.
Members of staff may only contact a parent/carer on land line school phones or school approved mobile phones. When children undertake a school trip or journey, mobile phone use by adult’s leaders should be limited to contact with the school office or venues being visited. Only in emergencies when off site should personal mobile phones be used.
Pupils should not use mobile phones within the school grounds and should not bring in mobile phones (or any other form of recording device) to school, except in exceptional circumstances about which the school has been informed. In such circumstances, the child’s phone must be kept in the school office until they go home. Mobile phones are not permitted on school trips.
Use of Mobile phones for Volunteers and Visitors
Upon their initial visit volunteers and visitors are given information regarding the use of mobile phones on the school premises. Volunteers or visitors are not permitted to take photographs or recordings of the children without the Head teacher’s permission.