February 2013
As a Governing Body:
We fully accept our obligations with regard to the health and safety of St Margaret’s C.E. School employees, contractors, clients, customers and pupils.
We are committed to matters of health and safety having an equal place alongside all education activities within the school.
We fully uphold the commitments laid down in the Education and Lifelong Learning and Corporate Health and Safety Policy.
We recognise that health and safety is a line management function. Those who are allocated duties and responsibilities under this policy shall receive such information, instruction and training so as to be able to discharge such duties and responsibilities.
We will ensure that all employees within the school have or achieve the appropriate levels of competence to carry out their duties, without significant risks to themselves or to others.
We will ensure that all members of staff are consulted on health and safety matters, so that a positive approach can be taken to address both the needs and concerns of employees and others.
Where required safe systems of work will be developed and become an integral part of the school ill-health prevention programme. Regular monitoring will be undertaken, with appropriate line management involvement. All monitoring will be reviewed for any system or organizational weakness and action taken to ensure continued development and improvement.
We will co-operate with auditing of health and safety management systems, and review the recommendations of such audits.
This policy will be brought to the attention of all employees.
It is only by securing a total commitment to health and safety matters from those who work for, or on behalf of, St Margaret’s School, that the high standards we set ourselves will be achieved.
These are the St Margaret’s School, objectives:
• To work towards the prevention of occupational injury and ill health to all members of staff and pupils.
• To ensure that those using the school premises are not subjected to unacceptable risk as a result of activities of the school.
• To develop and maintain a proactive health and safety culture and set standards to continuously improve in matters of health and safety.
• To actively manage health and safety and to encourage constant awareness amongst all employees for the health and safety aspects of their work, and for the environment in which they work.
• To ensure that contractors and agents of the school are aware of and work towards the standards set out in this policy.
• To monitor and review the achievement of these objectives and to implement improvements where necessary to enable them to be met.
• To co-operate fully in the appointment of Safety Representatives and to provide such facilities and assistance as they may reasonably require to fulfill their functions.
1. To be familiar with the content of the Corporate and Education and Lifelong Learning Health and Safety Policies, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any other health and safety legislation, which may affect their area of activity.
2. On behalf of the Executive Director of Education and Lifelong Learning to ensure that these policies and relevant legislation are implemented.
3. To ensure that all employees carry out their health and safety duties and responsibilities.
4. To ensure that all hazards within their area of responsibility are identified.
5. To ensure that risk assessments are carried out, and appropriate control measures implemented within their area of responsibility in accordance with the policy and legislative requirements.
6. To ensure that all works undertaken within their area of responsibility take into account the health and safety of any person likely to be affected by such works, including employees and non-employees.
7. To ensure that all risk assessments are recorded, monitored and reviewed according to the level of risk identified.
8. To involve relevant employees in the risk assessment process.
9. To ensure the effective use of resources in order to achieve health and safety objectives.
10. To attain as a minimum the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health ‘Managing Safely’ certificate (or other equivalent agreed by the Health, Safety and Welfare Officer).
11. To ensure that all employees working within the school, whether permanent or temporary, are given adequate safety information, instruction and training to enable them to reach a minimum level of competence to carry out their work without undue risks to their own or others health and safety.
12. To ensure that all incidents (accidents, near misses, violence and aggression) are properly investigated, reported upon and actions taken to avoid re-occurrence.
13. To inspect and monitor the operations and activities under their control, in accordance with this policy, and take necessary remedial action.
14. To take appropriate action under established disciplinary procedures for any employee not complying with their duties, responsibilities or safe working practices as laid down in policies and procedures.
15. To demonstrate commitment by taking a proactive approach in health and safety matters.
16. To liaise with outside agencies able to offer expert advise.
1. To be familiar with the contents of the School, Corporate and Education and Lifelong Learning Health and Safety Policies and any other policies affecting their areas of activity.
2. Co-operate to ensure the implementation of the School, Corporate and Education and Lifelong Learning Health and Safety Policies and all relevant policies, procedures and safe systems of work.
3. To assist as required with the carrying out of risk assessments.
4. To report to the Head Teacher any matter that they consider presents a risk to the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by the activities being undertaken.
5. To attend training as directed and all briefings in respect of matters of health and safety, and act upon the information, instruction and training given.
6. To report to the Head Teacher if for any reason instructions on health and safety cannot be implemented.
7. To cease work where there is imminent danger of harm, and to report immediately to the Head Teacher.
8. To carry out user checks on portable electrical equipment prior to use, and to operate such equipment in accordance with instructions.
9. To use all plant, equipment and personal protective equipment and clothing, in a safe manner. To use such items in accordance with instructions provided and as explained or taught during health and safety training.
10. To report to the Head Teacher, equipment defects in accordance with established systems. To report anything where maintenance or repair are necessary.
11. To report to the Head Teacher, defects, loss or damage to personal protective clothing and equipment, in accordance with established systems. To report anything where maintenance, repair or replacement are necessary.
12. To co-operate with health surveillance where a formal system has been identified as necessary.
13. To report all hazards, accidents, near misses and incidents of violence and aggression whether or not they result in injury or property damage, in accordance with the Education and Lifelong Learning procedure.
14. Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for health, safety or welfare.
15. To seek and offer advice as appropriate to improve health and safety performance.
16. To behave in a manner at all times so as not to put themselves or others at risk to their health and safety, by what they do or fail to do.
1. Ensure that he is familiar with the school’s Health and Safety
2. Conduct a half termly site check with the Headteacher.
3. Ensure that all cleaning staff are aware of any implications within the Health and Safety Policy which may affect their work activities.
4. Report to the Headteacher any hazards that are brought to his notice.
5. Ensure that everything received from suppliers such as machinery, equipment, substances etc. is accompanied by adequate information and instruction for prior use.
6. Test and record the fire bells weekly.
7. Inform the Headteacher and Administrative Staff when ever contractors are due to start any maintenance work at school.(Check their ID etc as part of the safeguarding procedures)
1. Conduct a termly health and safety survey with the Headteacher and report back to the Health and Safety committee.
2. To advise the Headteacher of situations or activities which are potentially hazardous to the health and safety of staff, pupils and visitors.
1. To report to the Headteacher and Site Manager any defects that are brought to their notice.
2. Liaise with the Site Manager when organizing health and safety works.
1. Report any health and safety concerns at lunchtime to the Headteacher
2. Ensure accident forms are completed by all staff.
3. Report to staff any major incidents with pupils.
1. Follow the safety rules of the school and in particular the instructions of teaching staff given in an emergency.
2. Use and not willfully misuse, neglect or interfere with items related to safety.
3. Exercise personal responsibility for the safety of themselves and their peers.
4. Observe standards of dress consistent with safety guidelines.
1. To support the school in any health and safety matters.
2. To report any concerns regarding health and safety to the Headteacher/Deputy
To ensure that Health and Safety is considered at a local level, school based health and safety matters should be dealt with by one of the following methods:
(a) The full Governing Body
(b) Health & Safety Committee.
The Health & Safety Committee at St Margaret’s Primary School will consist of the following members Head Teacher – Mrs. J. Stackhouse: Deputy Mrs D Jones, Governors – Mrs. J. Heathcote Mrs M Nokes, Mr T Fowler. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The School Safety Committee will meet at least three times a year.
The main function of the School Safety Committee is to keep under review the measures taken to ensure the health and safety at work of employees, pupils and visitors. A specific objective of the Committee is to promote co-operation in instigating developing and carrying out measures to ensure health and safety at work. Within this broad view, the specific function of the safety committee should include:
• study accident reports and notifiable disease statistics and trends;
• study incidents of violence and aggression statistics and trends;
• examine safety audit reports;
• consider reports and information from the Health and Safety Executive;
• consider reports from safety representatives;
• assist in the development of safety rules and systems of work;
• inspections of the school as appropriate;
• promote and develop measures to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees.
A copy of the minutes of each meeting will be referred to the Governing Body.
The Governing Body fully supports the appointment of safety representatives and recognises their value in promoting and maintaining a health and safety culture within the school.
1. Chair of Governors
The Chair of Governors is responsible for co-ordination of this policy and monitoring its implementation.
2. Governing Body
St Margaret’s Primary School Governing Body will consider all health and safety matters of concern brought to their attention. The Governing Body will decide upon appropriate courses of action and will, so far as is reasonably practicable, identify appropriate resources to implement this health and safety policy.
Health and Safety will be a standing item on the Agenda at all Governing Body meetings.
3. Risk Assessment
3.1 Assessments will be carried out by nominated competent persons within the school and will include:
(i) the risks to the health and safety of employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work, and
(ii) the risks to the health and safety of other persons arising out of or in connection with work activities.
3.2 The significant findings of the assessment will be recorded:
(i) Hazards;
(ii) Risks (including Risk Level);
(iii) Group(s) of people especially at risk;
(iv) The control measures already in place;
(v) The effectiveness of those measures;
(vi) A measure of the remaining risk;
(vii) The control measures needed to comply with the requirements or prohibitions of health and safety legislation;
Risk Assessment forms are available within the school (on Learning Platform) and should be used to record risk assessments as appropriate.
3.3 For new operations, substances, plant and equipment it is particularly important that assessments are completed before commencement/introduction. Safety must be considered at the planning stage.
3.4 Assessments must be reviewed at least every 12 months (or on completion of each activity – if applicable). In addition assessments must be reviewed whenever there is reason to suspect that they are no longer valid or there have been significant changes to related matters.
3.5 The following members of staff will be responsible for undertaking risk assessments at St Margaret’s Primary School.
Mrs. J. Stackhouse – Head Teacher
Mrs. D. Jones – Deputy Head Teacher
Subject Co-ordinators – when applicable
4.1 Employees are required to attend health and safety training where it is identified as necessary. Employees must co-operate with their employer by attending training as directed.
The identification of training needs will be as a result of:
(i) risk assessment;
(ii) monitoring activities;
(iii) the occurrence of accidents and incidents of violence and aggression;
(iv) new legislation;
(v) updated information and technology;
(vi) new procedures or changes to existing procedures;
(vii) Education and Lifelong Learning health and safety plans, and
(viii) the results of health and safety audits.
At St. Margaret’s Primary School we consider an ‘accident’ to be: ‘any unplanned event, which results in, or might have resulted in, personal injury or damage to property, plant and equipment. This definition includes fires and near misses.’
5.1 Reporting:
(a) All employees are required to report or record all accidents. Incidents during break-times and lunchtimes will be recorded on the ‘Accident Record’ sheet and stored in the ‘Accident Log’ folder within each class. Parents will be notified if necessary.
(b) The school will maintain a supply of incident report forms for their employees.
(c) In the case of an accident to a member of the public, an accident report form must be completed by an employee, not by the member of the public.
5.2 In the following cases:
Any fatal or major injury to an employee whilst at work, or to any other person as a result of an accident whilst on Education and Lifelong Learning premises.
Any person being taken from the scene of an accident to a hospital for treatment.
Any of the dangerous occurrences listed in the Education and Lifelong Learning accident procedure.
Any fire.
A report must be telephoned immediately to the Safety Officer on 0121-569 8160 (Chris Crozier), 0121 569 8160 (Chris Williams) 0121 569 85239 (Laura Hadley). An answer phone is in operation out of office hours. An accident report form must also be completed.
The Safety Officer is responsible for notifying:
(a) The Health and Safety Executive.
(b) The Health, Safety and Welfare Officer.
(c) The risk Management Section if applicable.
5.3 Investigation:
(i) For every accident the Head Teacher will carry out an investigation and complete the appropriate section of the accident report form to indicate the remedial action taken.
(ii) The Head Teacher may ask for the advice and/or assistance of the Safety Officer when completing investigations.
A detailed accident procedure is available from the Health and Safety Unit.
(i) All employees are required to report all incidents of violence and aggression. This may include actual, attempted or threatened physical violence, verbal abuse, racial abuse or verbal abuse of a sexual nature.
(ii) The school will maintain a supply of incident report forms for their employees.
(iii) In the case of an employee needing hospital treatment or taking any sick leave as a consequence of an incident of violence and aggression, an incident report form must be completed.
6.1 The Safety Officer is responsible for notifying:
(a) The Health and Safety Executive.
(b) The Health, Safety and Welfare Officer.
(c) The Risk Management Section if applicable.
6.2 For each incident of violence and aggression, Unit Managers or Managers must determine what action is appropriate in respect of both the employee and the incident, and complete an incident report form within 10 days of the incident occurring.
7.1 Details of the schools fire procedures are contained within the Fire Risk Assessment and Log Book File.
7.2 Suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment will be completed on an annual basis using the pro-forma in the Fire Risk Assessment and Log.
7.3 The Fire Log Book will be kept up to date and along with the Risk Assessment be available for inspection by any fire officer undertaking an inspection of the school.
7.4 Fire drills should be undertaken on a termly basis and recorded in the Log Book.
7.5 Fires must be reported to the Health and Safety Unit on 0121 569 8164 and an investigation carried out.
7.6 All staff will receive training in the action to be taken in the event of a fire, and periodic refreshers on the fire and bomb alert procedures and general fire precaution.
7.7 The following members of staff will be responsible for undertaking fire risk assessments at St Margaret’s School.
Mrs. J. Stackhouse – Head Teacher
Mrs. D. Jones – Deputy Head Teacher
Mr. P. Cooper – Site Manager
8.1 Members of staff have a responsibility to take action in response of danger, which they reasonably believe to be a serious or imminent danger to themselves and/or others, including school pupils and the public.
8.2 Employees who believe there is serious or imminent danger have the authority to take action accordingly.
8.3 Actions by employees, without further instructions from more senior employees, could include:
(a) Evacuation of a classroom/building.
(b) Isolation of part of a classroom/building.
(c) Closing off an access to a classroom or building.
8.4 In any event, the employee taking such action must ensure that sufficient precautions are taken to prevent danger to anyone.
8.5 The employee taking such action must inform the Head Teacher and Chair of Governors immediately, or as soon as is practicable.
8.6 The incident must be reported by the employee taking the
action and an investigation must be carried out.
9.1 A sufficient number of first-aiders will be appointed by the school in order to attend to people injured or taken ill. The following members of staff (LSP’S) have received “Appointed Persons Paediatric First Aid”
Mrs N Atkar, Mrs S Mangat, Mrs M Nokes, Mrs E Webster, Mrs N Lewis, Mrs K Bragg, Mrs K Judd, Mrs D Jones, Mrs J Haywood
Lunchtime supervisors who have received training- Mrs J
Langton, Mrs Julie Hayward and Mrs T Vincent
9.2 A suitable and sufficient risk assessment will indicate the number of first-aiders required.
9.3 The Head Teacher will ensure that up to date notices are displayed identifying who the first aiders are and the location of the first aid boxes.
9.4 First Aid Training is provided by the school on a regular basis.
9.5 First Aid boxes are checked regularly and restocked by Mrs K Bragg.
9.6 Traveling First Aid kits should be appropriate for the circumstances in which they are to be used.
9.7 Children with specific medical needs, who may have a medical plan, will be displayed in the staffroom and in the relevant classrooms. EPI-PEN training will be given to staff on a regular basis.
10.1 Protective clothing and equipment will only be provided when an assessed risk cannot be eliminated or controlled by some better means, or where it is required by law.
10.2 Where protective clothing or equipment is provided, employees must make full and proper use of it at all times, and as instructed.
10.3 Employees must keep protective clothing and equipment clean, as far as is reasonably practicable, carry out user checks as required, and make it available for maintenance.
10.4 Head Teachers must ensure that protective clothing and equipment is kept clean, properly maintained and is properly used.
10.5 It is the duty of all employees to report losses or defects in protective clothing and equipment.
10.6 The person issuing protective clothing and equipment must obtain a clearly identifiable signature of the recipient (e.g. signature and name printed in capitals), dated at the time of issue.
10.7 Head Teachers must ensure that employees needing to use protective clothing and equipment are given necessary training, information or instruction on its purpose, use and care, and that such training, information and instruction is updated periodically and to incorporate changes.
11.1 The Corporate “Guidance for Premise Managers” should be referred to by those with a responsibility for contractors.
11.2 The Site Manager/Head Teacher has a responsibility to ensure that contractors on site do not endanger the health and safety of employees, visitors, service users and the public. Relevant CRB checks must be carried out.
11.3 Contractors must not start work on any site without first consulting the Site Manager/Head Teacher.
11.4 Contractors must not be allowed to start work until the Site Manager/Head Teacher is satisfied that the work can be done, so far as reasonably practicable, without risk to employees, visitors, pupils and the public.
11.5 Should a contractor start work without permission or consultation, the Site Manager/Head Teacher must take appropriate action.
(a) Inform the contractor of this policy in relation to contractors and/or,
(b) Stop the work until proper consultation has taken place and/or.
(c) Order the contractor off site, if necessary, until the operation can be isolated and/or further advice obtained.
11.6 The Caretaker/Head Teacher must obtain the contractor’s
(a) Risk assessment relating to the operation.
(b) Method statement for the operation.
(c) CRB check when appropriate.
11.7 The Premise Manager must inform the contractor of any local hazards, which may present a risk to the contractor whilst on site.
12.1 The most common applications within the school where asbestos is likely to be encountered are: –
– fire breaks in ceiling voids;
– fire protection in ducts, firebreaks in wall panels/partitions, soffit boards, ceiling panels and around structural steel work;
– thermal insulation of pipes and boilers e.g. molded or preformed lagging;
– insulating boards used for thermal insulation, partitioning and ducts;
– some ceiling tiles;
– asbestos cement products, which can be fully or semi-compressed onto flat or corrugated sheets. Corrugated sheets are largely used as roofing and wall cladding. Other asbestos cement products include gutters, rainwater pipes and water tanks;
– certain textured coatings e.g. artex;
– bitumen roofing materials;
– vinyl or thermoplastic floor tiles.
12.2 The Head Teacher/Caretaker is responsible for the management of asbestos on the school site and has a legal duty to prevent exposure of staff, pupils and contractors etc to asbestos.
12.3 The presence of asbestos containing materials must be considered prior to any work being undertaken at the school by members of staff, contractors or volunteers.
12.4 If planned maintenance is being organized through the schools Property Maintenance Surveyor, asbestos checks will automatically be carried out.
12.5 In the case of any other school alterations/improvements, e.g. security installations/upgrades, computer networking, or any other ‘minor works’ (including re-decoration) usually carried out “in-house”, consideration must be given to the presence of asbestos. The Property Maintenance Surveyor must be informed so that asbestos checks can be carried out.
12.6 A Log Book and guidance on the procedures for dealing with asbestos will be maintained within the school. The location of all asbestos containing materials will be brought to the attention of all staff. The asbestos logbook for St Margaret’s School is kept and maintained in the main office.
13.1 If it is intended to use volunteers to carry out practical work on the school site, the Head Teacher as “Caretaker” must consider the competency of the worker before commencement i.e. their skills, knowledge and experience.
13.2 All work must be undertaken strictly in accordance with relevant Health and Safety legislation and any conditions imposed by the Council.
13.3 The Head Teacher should conduct a risk assessment of the proposed work, in conjunction with the person(s) contemplating the work.
13.4 It is the duty of the Head Teacher to inform the “workers” of all existing hazards on the site that may present a risk, particularly potential hazards relating to work on/with unknown existing construction materials e.g. asbestos.
They must also be made aware of the following:
– other construction work, taking place on site,
– security arrangements,
– lone worker arrangements,
– first aid arrangements,
– action to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency,
– safe and secure storage of materials ,
– welfare facilities e.g. Toilets and washing materials.
13.5 The worker must provide the Head Teacher with a written Method of Safe Working Practices that should be agreed before commencement. This should take into account:
– what is to be achieved?
– how is this to be achieved?
– where is this to be undertaken?
– the time period to complete the task,
– who is to be involved?
– what special skills are likely to be involved, if required?
– working space required to carry out the work in a safe manner, taking into consideration both the needs of the ‘worker’ and others that may be based in the area,
– specialized tools/equipment that might be brought onto site and the safe working methods,
– how others may be put at risk and what precautions should be taken?
13.6 The Head Teacher or other school based representative should check that the work is being carried out in a satisfactory manner and reserve the right to stop work at any time.
14. Portable and Transportable Electrical Equipment
14.1 The Electricity at Work Regulations requires that all electrical equipment is properly maintained. Guidance to these Regulations in respect of portable and transportable electrical equipment, recommends, three types of maintenance regime. These are user’s visual checks, formal visual inspections and combined inspection and tests.
14.2 Combined inspection and test of portable electrical should be undertaken on at least an annual basis. Risk assessment will identify if more frequent testing is required. Combined inspection and tests will be carried out by an electrician or competent person using a portable appliance tester.
14.3 All electrical equipment should receive a formal visual inspection on a termly basis. The Council’s Health and Safety Unit can offer training for members of staff in order that they can achieve the required competency.
14.4 Members of staff will be encouraged to look at the electrical equipment they use for obvious signs of damage this is particularly important for equipment which is moved, e.g. kettles, desktop fans, portable tools etc.
14.5 Any item failing an inspection/test should be taken out of service immediately, and until such time as it can be repaired and retested, or a decision is made to scrap the item.
14.6 Suitable and sufficient records should be maintained of schedules of electrical equipment tested and certificates of failure for failed items.
14.7 Any new electrical equipment may be put into service immediately, and will be included for inspection/testing at the next round.
14.8 Second hand or acquired electrical equipment, or employees own equipment brought from home, may not be used in the School’s premises until it has been inspected and tested.
15.1 Parents complete a medicine administration form which is in
the school office.
15.2 Headteacher signs the form completed by the parents.
15.3 A record is kept of any medicines given indicating times and
who gave the medicine.
15.4 All medicines are stored in the office and returned to parents
by a member of staff.
15.5 No children should bring medicines to school or collect them at
the end of the day.
15.6 No Calpol or over the counter medicines are given at school.
15.7 Only prescribed medicines are administered.
15.8 All inhalers are kept in classrooms so that immediate access can be gained by the relevant children.
16.1 The Deputy Headteacher is the Educational Visits Co-ordinator
and has responsibility for ensuring staff have adhered to the
school’s procedures.
16.2 Our procedures are based on the LA Guidelines.
17.1 No hot drinks should be carried in unsealed cups along corridors
while children are moving around.
17.2 If a member of staff has a hot drink in the classroom they are responsible for ensuring it is out of the reach of any pupil.
18.1 Pupils and staff should only lift equipment within their own
individual capability.
19.1 No vehicles move across the playgrounds whilst children are
19.2 To ensure the safety of everyone only staff and visitors should
park on the school car park during school hours, apart from
special occasions such as school productions or services where
there is designated parking.
19.3 Parents with a disability should speak to the Headteacher
about parking on site.
19.4 There is limited vehicle access between 8.45am and 9.00am and
3.15pm and 3.40pm.
20.1 Gymnastic equipment is checked annually by an accredited
Outdoor play equipment is checked each year by an accredited
School also checks the outdoor play equipment each day
before the children use it. A register of this is kept.
21.1 All visitors who work with children are asked for proof of
identity and their CRB form when they enter the school
Details of the following Policies and Guidance are available within school or from the LA/Health and Safety Unit.
Manual Handling
Display Screen Equipment
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Off-Site Visits/On Site Clubs
Physical Intervention Guidelines
Medication Policy
School Security
Arrangements for preventing and dealing with violence at work
Fire Safety.
A review of the policy will be undertaken annually and any new legislation or directives will be incorporated.