Collective Worship is a daily requirement in Church Schools and the responsibility of the governing body in consultation with the Headteacher. Collective Worship at St Margaret’s School is in accordance with the Trust Deed of the school. The Trust Deed is unavailable at present but the legal requirement in all Anglican Schools is for worship to be “consistent with the faith, principles and practices of the Church of England.”
As a church school, collective worship is therefore a very important part of the life of our school, and this policy draws on advice from the Diocese of Lichfield.
Our school worship contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils, as appropriate to their ages and aptitudes. For example
It helps pupils’ spiritual development by teaching them about God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and giving them the opportunity to worship him together. Worship also enables them to hear about him from the Bible, to develop their relationship with him through prayer, and to reflect on themselves and his world.
It helps pupils’ moral development by taking time to be aware of different life values, while developing a common ethos and shared values based on Christian standards.
It promotes pupils’ social development by helping them to feel part of a community, and will reinforce positive attitudes. Our worship will encourage participation and response, whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to and joining in the worship offered.
It helps pupils’ cultural development by drawing on the Christian heritage – both through the Bible and other key writings, and through religious festivals and practices. Materials from other faiths may be included when it is appropriate.
3. ORGANISATION (When, Where, For Whom, and How)
School worship
Is for all pupils.
May take place with different school groups.
Takes place either on the school premises or in St Margaret’s Church.
Has a Christian and educational character. The setting has a distinctive religious feature (e.g. religious symbols) and is conducive to worship.
Is planned, with specific themes (see also 4 below), at a level in accordance with the differing age groups and levels of understanding in the school.
Is reviewed regularly.
Is a shared responsibility between all staff, which includes our Church Worker.
May be lead by the School Worship Team, which includes children from Key Stage 2.
Is developed by the Headteacher and the Church Worker
Takes place every day for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. This may be extended when we have ‘special’ Acts of Worship or have visitors leading our Acts of Worship.
Will have a worship table, which is prepared by the children and has a cloth (liturgical colours), candles, cross and a bible.
Will involve Year 6 children who are responsible for setting up the interactive board and its operation during worship time.
Will have music, which is always played as children enter the hall in readiness for the calmness of worship time. It is expected that children remain quiet during worship and leave reflecting upon the theme addressed in the worship time.
Worship Format
KS2 Congratulations in the hall led by HT/DH FS/KS1 Class Worship
KS1 Congratulations in the hall led by HT/Leadership Teacher KS2 Class Worship
Whole School Worship led by staff
Alternate weeks KS1/KS2 worship led by Church Worker/HT
Class worship
Whole school worship led by HT/DH
As a Church of England School, the content of our worship is organised to
Cover all the major Christian Festivals (i.e. including Christmas, Easter and Pentecost) and many other special religious days (Saints days). Non Christian Festivals are also celebrated.
Draw on frequent Bible teaching, particularly as stories.
Use the Lord’s Prayer at least once a week. Also includes prayers written by the children or worship leader and selected published prayers (traditional and non-traditional).
Be delivered in a variety of ways. (These will usually include music and songs, story and discussion, and a time for prayer and reflection.) Mixtures of modern and traditional songs are chosen.
Follow a planned programme of themes. This is linked to the guidelines given by Lichfield Diocese and also links to our SEAL programme (Social, Emotional aspects of Learning). Worship may also follow particular events in the class or the world.
The school values its special links with St Margaret’s Church. At least every term KS2 children attend school worship in church, with an invitation extended to parents and friends. Also the church worker regularly leads worship for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in our school hall.
The Worship Coordinator maintains a whole school record. Staff and pupils evaluate all worship regularly. The outcomes of which are used to inform future planning.
The Coordinator for Collective Worship will monitor the delivery of Collective Worship on a regular basis.
All children, irrespective of social background, culture, ethnicity, gender, ability or disability are to take part in Collective Worship. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from Acts of Worship are invited to discuss their views with the Headteacher. However parents should be aware that St Margaret’s Primary School is a Church of England Primary School with distinctive aims and ethos.
(Note that even when a child is withdrawn from worship, the school remains in ‘loco parentis’, and on practical grounds the child may need to remain in the same room as where worship is taking place.)
March 2011