Online Safety

Teaching and Learning:

The schools E-Safety Co-ordinator/Computing Curriculum Co-ordinator is Karen Underwood.

Our E-Safety co-ordinator ensures that the School is kept up to date with E-safety issues and guidance through liaison with the Local Authority e-safety staff. As well as organisations such as Becta and The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP). The school’s co-coordinator ensures the Head Teacher, School Leadership Team and Governors are updated as necessary.

Governors need to have an understanding of E-safety issues and strategies in relation to St Margaret’s School. We ensure our governors are aware of our local and national guidance on
E-Safety and are updated, at least, annually on policy developments.

All teachers are responsible for prompting and supporting safe behaviours in their classrooms and following school e-safety procedures. Central to this is fostering a ‘No Blame’ culture so pupils feel able to report any bulling, abuse or inappropriate materials.

All staff should be familiar with the schools’ policy including;
• Safe use of school network, equipment and data
• Use of digital images and digital technologies, such as mobile phones and cameras.
• E bulling/Cyber bullying procedures
• Their role in providing e-safety education for pupils.
• Staff are updated about e-safety issues at least once a year.